Support Us
We rely on membership fees and donations to enable us to put on the events and services for the community, including advocating on behalf of Israel. Your support is vital for our future.
Support Us
Individual and family membership is available as is the opportunity to pay over 12 months.
To join the Zionist Federation of New Zealand, please click on the button below and we will send you a membership form.

In addition to annual membership, we rely on donations to enable us to put on the events and services that we do for the community, including advoacting on behalf of Israel. Your support is therefore vital for our future.
To donate to the Zionist Federation of New Zealand, please click on the button below.
(please note that the ZFNZ does not have charitable status, therefore you will not be eligible for any tax credits)
Should you wish to support us in other ways, such as donating your time, please contact us.